1. Spine surgery is done to repair the disc!!
No –
Spine Surgery is not done to repair the damaged disc, but to relieve the pain and prevent neurological deficits.
In most of the instances, the pain will be relieved by non surgical/conservative methods like physiotherapy and medications and they are the first choice of treatment.
2. My pain will be relieved completely!
In a few cases, surgery will relieve back pain completely. Most of the patients will be able to do their regular activity following surgery as the pain will be relieved.
The spine will start functioning normally. Earlier the detection of the spine problem, outcome/results following the surgery will be better.
3. I am scared of spine surgery!
There’s nothing to get scared of in spine surgery. With recent advances, it has become quite simple. There will be mild to the moderate risk associated with any surgery.
We always assess the patient both clinically and radiologically – weigh the benefits & risks of surgery.
We notice that many patients who come to us with spine problems often are unable to sit, walk, go for morning or evening walks or do household.
In these cases, pros & cons of problems you have & surgery benefits will be assessed before your surgery and also before the condition worsens.

4. It is unsafe to undergo spine surgery.
Now in the recent years, medical science has advanced so much so that health care has become extremely simple and accessable. Technical advances, well-trained team of doctors,
well equipped setup with a good intensive care backup, precise instruments and effective safety measures at hospital have made spine surgery extremely safe.
The unsafe and dangerous aspects about spine surgery are most of the time stories highlighted by others.
5. You will be bedridden or will be wheel chair bound after spine surgery.
No –
Decades ago spine surgery had its own limitations. In recent years the advances in spine surgery have taken a leap with minimally invasive spine surgery,
small incisions, advanced infrastructure, microscope, high speed drills, imaging, better anaesthesia, minimal bleeding & scarring and with all these the hospital
stay is significantly reduced.
It may be minimally invasive surgery or Traditional spine surgery, The spine surgeons in Bangalore can discuss the pros & cons and the outcome of the surgery. In Some cases traditional spine surgery may prove to be safer. It is the surgeon in consensus with the patient and their family who would have the authority to decide the type of surgery.
6. Once surgery means you need it again.
No –
It is rare unless you have multiple spine problems. Most of the time surgery is done to reduce pain & prevent neurological deficits and further worsening of the
existing condition. Some life style modification are essential ,like to quit smoking, consuming a balanced diet, weight reduction, regular exercise and regular follow up of with the doctor.

7. If you visit the best spine surgeon in Bangalore, you will be advised surgery!
No –
When you consult the surgeon for your problem may be for back pain, neck pain, hand or leg pain he will assess the symptoms & do a thorough neurological examination.
Based on the symptomatology, clinical examination and imaging the surgeon decides the line of management which most of the time would be medical management,
physiotherapy with lifestyle modifications.
Surgery is advised in situations wherein it is done to prevent further damage to the spine, spinal cord & spinal nerves.
8. Spine surgeries have worse outcomes, or surgery may make me paralyzed for the rest of life!
Spine surgeries have become very safe due to advances in the medical field and the results are comparable to any other surgery. Around 0-5% of the patients experience recurring symptoms or symptoms bad enough to require further treatment.
9.Pain does not improve with surgery!
Making the correct diagnosis is important. Most pains due to spine problem improve with correct diagnosis and treatment.
The outcome of spine surgery depends upon the indication for surgery and the correlation with the radiological findings.
10. Osteoporosis associated spine fractures are untreatable
Osteoporosis can be treated by minimally invasive surgeries like Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty and conventional surgeries.
Our expert Neuro team at Neurowellness in Bengaluru provide consultation and treatment to all neuro problems.
Please visit
Brain and Spine Clinic
#1224, Ground-Floor, 26th Main, Jayanagar 9th Block
BANGALORE – 560069
Phone No
+91 72596 69911
+91 73490 17701
Website www.neurowellness.in
Facebook www.facebook.com/neurowellness.in/