Aneurysm is ballooning out of the thinned vessel wall can lead to dangerous complications if ruptures. Once brain aneurysm is diagnosed by neuro imaging DSA or CT angiogram, after discussing about approach risks and benefits of clipping of aneurysm.
Neuro- navigation
Neuronavigation is a GPRS kind of Computer Assisted Technology that helps the neurosurgeons to localize the exact target in brain and spine. From skin, scalp to deeply seated tumour, and nearby vital structures.
Balloon Kyphoplasty
1. What is Balloon Kyphoplasty? It is a spinal procedure to restore the height of the fractured vertebral bone. It…
What are common Neuroimaging done in the Spine?
Common neuroimaging done in Spine are Spine X Ray MRI Scan CT Spine Dynamic X Ray 1. Spine X Ray…
Neuroendovascular Surgery
Endovascular Treatment Available – Mechanical Thrombectomy for Acute Stroke, Carotid Stenting, AVM Embolisation, DAVF Embolisation
Stroke – Risk factor, warning signs and latest treatments
Stroke happens when a clot or rupture of blood vessel interrupts blood flow to the brain., thereby reducing the oxygen supply and as a result the brain tissue dies.