Dangerous facts of a Brain Aneurysm
Myths of head injury!
If someone appears absolutely normal after head injury, does that mean that they are completely alright and they need to seek help at hospital. Yes – Any head injury ranging from mild to severe needs medical attention immediately…
Why these activities are important for our Neuro Wellness!!
Keeping up an optimum level of well-being is totally noteworthy to continue life with a higher personal satisfaction. Neural health matters, in light of the way that all that we do and every…
How Phones Affects Your Brain and Body?
6 out of 7 billion people own a cell phone which is pretty shocking as to the fact that only 4.5 billion people have access to a working toilet.!!!
7 Brain Foods to Keep You Fit
Your brain is a big deal. Being the control center of your body, your brain is in charge of keeping your heart beating and lungs breathing…
Brain tumour treatment
Most common brain tumours are – 1. Meningiomas – Arise from meninges, 2. Gliomas, 3. Pituitary adenomas, 4. Acoustic schwannomas
Head Injury – Types of Head Injury and Treatment
Head injuries are the most unexpected injury in the human population. It happens due to blow to the head usually associated with road traffic accident, fall from a height, assault, fall of a foreign object over the head…
Stroke – Risk factor, warning signs and latest treatments
Stroke happens when a clot or rupture of blood vessel interrupts blood flow to the brain., thereby reducing the oxygen supply and as a result the brain tissue dies.
Headache – Various types of headaches including increased intracranial pressure (ICP)
The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that almost half of all adults worldwide will experience a headache in any given year. A headache can be a sign of stress or emotional distress…