OSTEOPOROSIS is defined as conditions of skeletal fragility as a result of low bone mass. Here bone which has become more porous, and less dense and has a honey comb appearance.
Office/Work From Home Ergonomics
As all of us are aware, due to corona pandemic most of the companies have made work from home either voluntary or mandatory. Work from home may be boon to growing work from home trend.
Neurosurgical Emergencies
Neurosurgical emergencies are very important. Any delay in treating may influence patients outcome. Early diagnosis and treatment is very important, which can save life and prevent brain and spinal cord damage further.
Spinal Fixation
1. What is lumbar fixation? It is a neuro spine procedure to stabilize the spinal column which is damaged. Fixation…
Balloon Kyphoplasty
1. What is Balloon Kyphoplasty? It is a spinal procedure to restore the height of the fractured vertebral bone. It…
What are common Neuroimaging done in the Spine?
Common neuroimaging done in Spine are Spine X Ray MRI Scan CT Spine Dynamic X Ray 1. Spine X Ray…
SAFE SPINE – MISS (Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery)
Minimally invasive spine surgery has evolved over few years slowly. Due to the availability of the refined surgical skills, application…
Knowing your Back Pain!
Generally 80% of the population suffer low back pain in their lives. It can start occurring at as early as 3rd decade of their life. Most commonly Aging, obesity, vibration from occupation, smoking…
What is ACDF?
Anterior cervical microdiscectomy and fusion. It is done for most commonly done for cervical disc prolapse. Most common is C5C6…
Smoking Spine!
By smoking Cigarette, pharmacologically active alkaloid Nicotine is inhaled and that deeply penetrates the lungs and then absorbed in the…