OSTEOPOROSIS is defined as conditions of skeletal fragility as a result of low bone mass. Here bone which has become more porous, and less dense and has a honey comb appearance.
Office/Work From Home Ergonomics
As all of us are aware, due to corona pandemic most of the companies have made work from home either voluntary or mandatory. Work from home may be boon to growing work from home trend.
Neurosurgical Emergencies
Neurosurgical emergencies are very important. Any delay in treating may influence patients outcome. Early diagnosis and treatment is very important, which can save life and prevent brain and spinal cord damage further.
What are common Neuroimaging done in the Spine?
Common neuroimaging done in Spine are Spine X Ray MRI Scan CT Spine Dynamic X Ray 1. Spine X Ray…
What is ACDF?
Anterior cervical microdiscectomy and fusion. It is done for most commonly done for cervical disc prolapse. Most common is C5C6…
Why these activities are important for our Neuro Wellness!!
Keeping up an optimum level of well-being is totally noteworthy to continue life with a higher personal satisfaction. Neural health matters, in light of the way that all that we do and every…
Neck Pain Treatment Bangalore
It happens due to various reasons. It may be acute or chronic. It may be associated with pain in the shoulder