SAFE SPINE – MISS (Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery)
Knowing your Back Pain!
Generally 80% of the population suffer low back pain in their lives. It can start occurring at as early as 3rd decade of their life. Most commonly Aging, obesity, vibration from occupation, smoking…
What is ACDF?
Smoking Spine!
Spine Myths
Spine surgery is done to repair the disc! – No, Spine Surgery is not done to repair the damaged disc, but to relieve the pain and prevent neurological deficits.
Why these activities are important for our Neuro Wellness!!
Keeping up an optimum level of well-being is totally noteworthy to continue life with a higher personal satisfaction. Neural health matters, in light of the way that all that we do and every…
How Phones Affects Your Brain and Body?
6 out of 7 billion people own a cell phone which is pretty shocking as to the fact that only 4.5 billion people have access to a working toilet.!!!
7 Brain Foods to Keep You Fit
Your brain is a big deal. Being the control center of your body, your brain is in charge of keeping your heart beating and lungs breathing…
Back Pain Specialist Bangalore
Back pain is a common neurological complaint noted in our out patient department. It could be acute and chronic.